Sunday, January 27, 2008

Get ye to Gotye!

aka. The 'Straya Day post that's a day late.
ok...lamest subject line EVER! but it's a long weekend.

I know I'm a little late to the Gotye party, so please don't hold it against me. But, WOW, is this album amazing. Like Drawing Blood is part dance, part rock, part blues, part chill, all class.

Gotye is Belgium born Melbourne lad Wally DeBacker, and this album is a home-grown bedroom job, put together over the course of two years. Doing most of the vocals himself and taking samples from all over the place, the eclectic sound has something for everyone. The highlights for me are Hearts A Mess (the amazing emotional tune), Learnalilgivinanlovin (the booty-shaking fun track) and A Distinctive Sound (the track with the amazing samples). I can totally understand why he won the ARIA for best male artist last year.

I could try and wax lyrical about the highs and lows and break each track down to analyse it, but that's not my bag, baby. Instead I am going to post some clips from my favourite songs so that you will listen to them and then go and buy the album. It's a worthy addition to any music collection and appropriate for dinner parties, birthday parties and party pies.

Price: $16.99
From: iTunes
Why you need it: because you need some new music in your life! Plus, it's always cool to support 'Strayan artists. It's 'Straya Day weekend after all.

PS - in case you are wondering how to pronounce Gotye, think Jean-Paul Gaultier without the Jean-Paul (gore-ti-yeah)

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