Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy birthday bella!

Well done me. Post about a Monday magazine on a Thursday. Whatever.

Happy Birthday Grazia!

Can you believe this beautiful magazine is celebrating its first birthday already?! Well I guess I can believe it since I have every single issue piled up on my bookshelf and I can't fit any more on the pile now (new year = new pile). How has this shining bastion of fashion and news evolved over the past year? Great covers, witty columns, inspiring fashion and to-die-for food. I flicked through the first few issues this week and it's amazing to see just how much it has evolved. There is a much better balance now of expensive and affordable fashion. It's the right mix of celebrity and real news. And the food...oh gosh the food...

Matthew Evans' Out of the Pantry column is drool-worthy every single week. He has a simple yet passionate way of describing food and I challenge you to read a column and not want to either a) fire up the stove and/or b) move to the country and grow your own fresh produce.

So how do I enjoy Grazia? I always go straight to the editors letter (Editor-in-chief Alison is deliciously crazy), then Matthews Evans column, then High Maintenance...just got higher by the hilarious Lucinda Pitt. After that I go front to back and devour every single page. I'm a flagger as well, so I always fold the corner on interesting stories, things I might want to buy or websites I want to check out.

What was the point? Oh, that's right. Basically I love Grazia. It's a great mag and I'm looking forward to many more birthdays.

Price: normally $5, this week $2.50
From: supermarkets and newsagents
Why: Fashion and news in a great format

Picture credit:

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