Taking a step back, your hair has a natural essential hair molecule called rhodanide. Lifeless and damaged hair has significantly lower levels of rhodanide than healthy, shiny hair does. Rhodanide gets worn away through things like washing, blow-drying, straightening, health and the environment, so you can imagine a pretty hardcore routine of blow-dries over winter has left my hair feeling a bit dull.
After four weeks of spraying Activance through damp hair after a wash, my hair has never been in better nick. I have even been getting compliments on how thick and healthy it is looking – virtually unheard of considering I'm the mayor of Limp Town (where hair is always lifeless)! AND I had it cut 4 weeks ago and it has almost grown back to the previous length (I can judge this by my top-knots). If you want your hair to be healthy and shiny, then for the love of chocolate milk get yourself some Activance!
Price: $55 (one bottle should last you three months)
From: The Activance website has a list of stockists, or you can order online (+$10 shipping)
Why you need it: Healthy hair is never out of fashion
Picture credit: catwalk.com.au
This sounds like exactly what my hair needs right now!
I've got the opposit problem! Really thick hair that I have to get thinned out at the hair dressers! EEKKK!
Cute blog!
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