Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Charge it, pawn it, zoom it, press it...

I'll be honest. I don't get that many calls on my mobile. Mum calls, my sister calls, the odd call from Boyfriend if we aren't together and random sms conversations to catch up with people I haven't seen for a while (who haven't moved online to facebook yet). So all in all, I can keep the battery situation under control. However, there is always bound to be a day when I am stranded in the middle of nowhere (because I go to nowhere frequently) and suddenly, right when my car is being surrounded by wild emus, my mobile battery will die. It's a constant fear.

But fear no more! I have purchased the Energizer Energi To Go mobile phone charger, so that I will never be without battery again. Practical, handy and an extra weight for my already bulging handbag. I can deal with that though. I already have the kitchen sink in there so what's a little extra bulge right? Now I just need the iPod charger cos, gosh, I hate it when my iPod dies on the bus.

Price: $34.95
From: Coles, Woolies, anywhere else you buy batteries
Why you need it: So you are always full loaded and ready to go. In all seriousness it's a very practical idea.

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