Thursday, November 22, 2007

If I could trade lives with anyone...

...Maggie Alderson would be in my top 5 choices. She's creative and witty and always inspires me to try something new/be more fashionable/start writing again. Other people who also have this effect on me are Mia Freedman and Zoe Foster, but that's a whole other post.

On a Sunday morning I would claw my way through the mountain of newspapers trying to find Maggie's column. It was the perfect accompaniment to my traditional Sunday croissant (which I don't do hips can't handle it like they used to) and if it was a particularly amusing column I would tear it out and carefully pin it on the wall for inspiration.

Sadly, over the years the paper has disintegrated and scraps have been lost in moves, but that's ok because now all her funniest columns have been put together in Gravity Sucks. She tackles life, kids, the amusing way your body changes over time and the ever-changing face of the fashion industry. She's funny, endearing and she reminds you that life isn't always serious.

Buy it for your Mum for Christmas and you'll be her favourite for the day (not that you weren't already her favourite).

Price: $29.95
From: Borders, A&R, or any other cool book store
Why you need it: For a good laugh, for inspiration and for a really engaging read. Easy top put down and pick back up.

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