Monday, November 19, 2007

Sprinkles of Cheer...

With the festive season upon us, the apartment I share with Boyfriend and Flatmate needed some holiday dressing. Being a) limited on space and b) in Australia, a giant fur, while lovely, is not so practical. We have these beautiful giant twigs that are covered in fairy lights in a big vase in the corner (which ROCK - but they deserve a post all of their own) which we intend to hang decorations on, but you can't celebrate christmas without a proper Christmas tree. Or something at least resembling a proper Christmas tree. Enter Christmas Tree-In-A-Box.

This amazing find was somewhat by accident while I was out window shopping on Oxford St in Paddington. Purchased from one of the best bookstores in the country - Ariels - this delightful little box of joy is a DIY paper Christmas tree which is 2 feet high when it's all put together. You put the trunk together, push all the branches into place and then hang the sweet little paper baubles which have glitter on them. So adorable!

Price: $19.95
From: Ariels, or any other cool book store
Why you need it: Who doesn't need some Christmas cheer! It's just the right size for any occasion and it's super cute.

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