Friday, February 19, 2010

Peanut Butter time!

I had been working on a great big post about this amazing new skincare brand that I was fortunate enough to go to the launch for, and all the hero products in the range and blah blah blah when I thought ‘you know what? Too serious for a Friday. Friday’s are for funsies!’ and so I hit save, closed the document and ate some chocolate. Ding ding ding! I’m in love like the little sock puppet on the Telstra ad.

One of my absolute favourite American candy brands is Reese’s. OMG peanut butter and chocolate were meant to be combined. On that, I highly recommend PB and Nutella on toast. Anyway, imagine my delight at learning that Lindt do a Peanut Butter Lindor Ball. Marrying sweet, creamy peanut butter with the quality of Lindt in a tasty little bite-sized morsel. Swoon! Heaven! (Better than Reeses, but don't tell them I said that. I'm not in the business of hurting feelings)

These bad boys are only stocked in Lindt Chocolat Cafe’s in Sydney and Melbourne, so for anyone up north or out west you have my deepest sympathies. If peanut butter isn’t your thing (we can’t be friends) then you might want to try a raspberry ball. So much deliciousness in one tiny chocolate.

Price: $10.49 for a 150g box, or $1.20 each in the pick and mix
From: Lindt Chocolat Cafe
Why you need it: Why don’t you need it?! Honestly! As the cookie monster would say, this is a sometimes food. As I would say, hoe in. As my boyfriend would say, you have chocolate on your chin, you dirty grub.

Picture credit: Lindt
; one of the balls right before I devoured it


eskimojo said...

Awwwwww yeah, that sounds awesome. Love love love peanut butter!

I do chocolate covered fresh raspberries with Lindt choccy so actual raspberry flavoured balls by them would be divine.

SpicyPinkSugar said...

why haven't i bought these already? Delish. Like your blog!

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