Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Smiley face

Yep. I don't need to say much in this post. I went shopping on my lunch break yesterday and this is the result. I bought these Mimi Loves Jimi shoes with the intention of wearing them to my friends wedding in April (it's beachside, so they are appropriate...kind of), but I am definitely wearing them in beforehand (um, today actually). Aren't they pretty? Don't they look like the plastic shoes you had for your barbie as a kid? The only way they could possibly be any more barbie-ish is if they were candy pink, but I definitely remember my Totally Hair Barbie having shoes this colour to match her green/blue/aqua/turquoise tie-dye dress (I had the brunette and my sister had the blonde with the pink dress). Funny the things we remember.

Price: On Sale! Woohoo! $50
From: General Pants
Why you need them: Party shoes!

I also grabbed another ring, because goodness knows I don't have enough cocktail rings already. Thing is, they just keep getting bigger and bigger. I'm not lying when I say this latest one takes up half my hand. Not exactly practical, but few of my purchases ever are. Do you think it's too much?

Price: $23
From: Diva
Why you need it: Just in case you end up in a dark alley, you are amply equipped to knock the crap out of the dude who tries to steal your purse. Sure beats pepper spray.


Sassi Sam said...

I look forward to seeing both purchases tonight!!! :-)

Eleni said...

Are you going to go safe at the wedding and wear all black or do you have a colour in mind? Staying with the Barbie theme and beach theme - I think your dress needs to be watermelon pink.

Elise @ StuffThatIBought said...

I have bought my dress already - it is black BUT it is one shouldered with a ruffle and I'm wearing a studded belt, so it's not super safe. I am definitely planning barbie-pink lips though!

Esz said...

LOVE the shoes! Are they comfortable? They defitely remind me of barbie shoes :-D

Elise @ StuffThatIBought said...

I am very pleased to report that the shoes are comfortable. On their very first airing I wore them all day at work and out to a function that night with no dramas. I had two little blisters on my big toes, but I blame a combination of new shoes, heat, no stockings and running in the heels.

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