Monday, May 2, 2011

Romantic Romance - some visual candy for a Monday

Morning! (if you're not reading this in the morning, then change that introduction to be relevant to your time of day please) No product reviews and no self indulgent rants today, just some good old-fashioned visual inspiration to celebrate the first day of Rosemount Australian Fashion Week. I went to the off-schedule showing of Romance Was Born courtesy of ghd and was utterly blown away by the theatrics of it all. 

I've been to fashion shows where everyone sits there stoically, occasionally nodding in approval and politely clapping at the end. This was different. There were gasps. There were audible oohs and aahs. There were hoots and hollers and lots of loud applause. I sat behind a magazine editor who has probably been to more fashion shows than I've had hot chocolates and she was visibly moved by the collection, jumping up and down in her seat. Incredible. 

Designer: Romance Was Born
Venue: State Library of NSW
Collection: The Oracle
Inspiration: The Neverending Story

The Finale

Click through for more pretty pictures!

The amazing moon mani's by Sally Hansen. Pop over to The Nail File for more deets.

Leia buns. Suddenly I feel like a cinnamon scroll.

Probably not a daytime headband. Maybe for a special night out.

A sneaky peek inside the venue. AMAZING.

Nicole Thompson from M.A.C working on Myf Shepherd. Wouldn't you kill for skin like Myf's. 

I love a good top knot.

I love a top knot more when it is covered in pearls.

The headpieces were crazy! Oh wait, this is a hair drying device. 

Rachel Rutt patiently knitting while she gets a Marge Simpson-esque hive tacked on to her head. I reckon she'll have a 10ft long scarf by the end of the week. 

Louise Van Der Vorst rocking a dress made of hair. Probably not practical in the rain.

Louise's skirt getting a little trim to get rid of split ends and keep it healthy. 

The stained glass - wow!

Amongst a sea of crazy, this model was sent out wearing jeans and a crochet top. I want that crochet top SO BAD! White with silver detail. I probably don't want the hair that looks like a tie from a distance. 

The beautiful Australian Youth Choir singing Neverending Story in the balcony, with the Sydney Youth Orchestra below, media pit, models, lights and a tree. So many things to look at!

See that little blonde head in the lower right corner of this picture? Yep, Cate Blanchett. When we sat down I thought all the photographers were rushing over to see me. Awkward.

I wanted to include a video of The Neverending Story but bloody EMI has had every single video on youtube disabled from sharing. Ratbags. 

Have a great (fashion) week!


miss_vanessa_dragon said...

Thankyou for getting the right choir name, we get mistaken for so many other choirs. It really was an amazing show, especially from the balcony overlooking it all. I can see me in the choir photo, I'm the blurry person on the very left of the group just before the flower thing.

Elise @ StuffThatIBought said...

Thanks for your comment! You guys were seriously amazing and added such a special element to the show. I will admit there was a little tear in my eye!

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