Friday, October 16, 2009

Night Noodle Markets! Yum!

If you haven't been to the Night Noodle Markets in Hyde Park before you are seriously missing out. Think lanterns and fairy lights and stalls of yummy yummy asian food from some of Sydney's best restaurants as the sun sets over Sydney. It's such a nice, chilled out way to enjoy dusk and the welcoming of spring (provided spring gets the memo and turns up on time). It's also a good chance to wander through the park and see the photographic exhibit, with big canvases strung up beneath the treetop canopy which are part of the Art and About art festival running all through October. This is all of course providing the weather holds out for you (we know October in Sydney can be questionable - hello dust storm!).

The Night Noodle Markets have been running all week this week (Oct 12-16) and will be on all next week too (Oct 19-23). You can chow each night 5-9:30, enjoy the free entertainment and have a drink in the Cooper's beer garden. Bliss.

Price: Food starts as cheap as $4 depending on what you get. Expect to pay $8-9 for a "meal"
From: Night Noodle Markets - north end of Hyde Park near the Archibald Fountain
Why you need to go: You need to eat, right?

Picture credit:

1 comment:

Christopher said...

I guess your post resulted in the markets being a bit crowded? ;)

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