Monday, October 26, 2009

Update your look at Look

I was fortunate enough to be invited along to the recent launch of The Look Academy Makeup School here in Sydney. I was also fortunate enough to get some one on one time with makeup artist and all around great guy Chris King, who is one of Australia’s leading makeup gurus. If you ever have the opportunity to meet Chris, I recommend you grab it with both hands because he has some really amazing philosophies about wearing makeup and how to get the best out of yourself every day.

Actually, you do have the opportunity to meet him if you do one of the Look Academy’s new one day courses. They offer two different full day courses – Introduction to Makeup and Revamp Your Style. The Intro to Makeup course is about learning what products to use for your face and what sort of image you present with the choices you make. This is something Chris is very passionate about, explaining that a lot of people don’t know how to use make up to their advantage and send mixed messages. This course isn’t just appropriate for younger ladies wanting to learn the basics, it’s also good for older girls who want to work on their image (or never learnt the basics in the first place - guilty)

The Revamp Your Style course (the other one) can be summed up in one word; “zhush” (this, I believe, is the technical spelling straight from Carson’s mouth). This one is perfect for older chickie-babes who have reached a new phase of their life and need to find themselves again, or for corporate groups looking for a fun and exciting team building exercise (gosh I hope my boss reads my blog - hint hint).

Both courses supply makeup and tools, you just need to come with an open mind and enthusiasm. I guarantee after 5 minutes with Chris King, or any of the 6 artists at Look Academy, you will have more enthusiasm than I have for Friday afternoon drinks (read: this is a LOT of enthusiasm).

Price: Normal price is $280+GST, but they are doing a special introductory offer of $240+GST
From: The Look Academy – Oxford St, Darlinghurst in Sydney and Fitzroy St, St Kilda in Melbourne
Why you need it: To update your face and present the best possible version of you (you don't really want to present the best possible version of anyone else, do you?)
Bonus reason that you need it: All courses booked in October, November or December will have 10% of their cost donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Look good, feel better!!

As an aside: Chris King gave me a bunch of interesting tips which I’ll casually drop into conversation over the coming weeks. Get excited!

Picture credit: Makeup by Felicia Yong

If you want the chance to WIN a full day course at Look Academy, then have a think about what your biggest beauty blunder was/is. Think a bit more. Write it down. Good. Now also write down your name, email address and how you heard about this competition (i.e. the most awesome blog ever - and send it to the lovely Bridie on If you win, make sure you come back and share your knowledge with us!

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