Thursday, September 30, 2010

How *not* to DIY sauna steam experience

The hot babes from Lush sent me some stuff to try out last week and I was all 'awesome, I love Lush! Their stuff kicks ass'. Cos their stuff does kick ass. I know their stores can be a little overwhelming to visit because there are so many strong scents, but their products are so unique and creative, and way friendly to the environment.

One of the things they sent me was a Token To The Forest Gods Sauna Tab and, me being me, instead of reading the instructions I decided I would use the product how I saw fit. This didn't quite go to plan.

Lush recommend you drop the tab in the water of your finnish sauna, because who doesn't have one of those. However, if you live in reality, you use it as a steam toner by dropping it in a bowl of hot water and steaming your face with the beautiful grapefruit, orange and neroli oils - the ultimate pick me up.

Me? I turned my shower onto super scalding hot, threw the tab on the ground, turned the shower down and stepped into the steam. It worked, kind of. I sat down in the shower to be closer to the fizzing action, and my shower was definitely infused with the fresh zing, but I feel like I probably should have just popped it in some water and concentrated it on my face. There's a lesson in this: dogs aren't meant to eat chocolate. I mean, always follow the instructions. Sure, go crazy sometimes. But generally instructions are there for a reason.

Price: $1.95
From: Lush
Why you need it: To steam the impurities right out of your face! (as long as you do it right)

Picture credit: - this product was offered to me for consideration


1 comment:

Jessica said...

omg I had to laugh out loud at this because I so often can't be bothered with reading instructions and use a product completely wrong. I'll be sure to use this one properly though, after reading your experience!

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