Friday, October 1, 2010

Slough in style with DayNa Decker

Warm weather + exposed skin = a desperate need for fake tan/wash off tan/bronzer/any sort of colour on my pasty white appendages.

In prepping my skin for the first fake tan of the season (I used a Natio tanner that smells like dettol and fish, and naturally it was a bit patchy) I remembered the joy of using a good body scrub. I always have the best of intentions over winter and then neglect the scrub when I’m covered by 10 layers of clothing every day (don’t scoff...I know you’re the same). To slough winter away I used a DayNa Decker Essence Buffer, a delicious exfoliant with fine pumice lava crystals. I have the Ella, which is mandarin, citrus, jasmine, tuberose and sandalwood. Translation: smells ace, feels good, does a kickass job.

What I really love about DayNa Decker though is the packaging. It’s so hot. Like, keep the body wash and exfoliant on your dining room table as a centrepiece kind if hot. The packaging for the body range is heavy olive green plastic with wood lids, and the candle range is the same olive green (although glass, duh). And while I’m talking about the candles, these are top of my wish list right now. The wicks are EcoWood, so they crackle as they burn and the flame is a teardrop shape. As a candle lover, these are just to die for. Potential Christmas gift-givers, take note.

What was I talking about again? Oh right. DayNa Decker. A totally luxe indulgence (way more expensive than a regular scrub) but worth it to spoil yourself. And for the awesome bottle.

(PS - no idea why it's DayNa, but I do know Dayna was a top Ford model, so maybe it's a model thing)

Price: $78
From: Mecca Cosmetica
Why you need it: To totally treat yourself slash decorate your lounge room

Picture credit: – this product was offered to me for consideration


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