Monday, October 11, 2010

Bring back the old Milo bar! The new new one is as bad as the old new one.

Do you remember the old Milo bars? Oh my goodness gracious I was OBSESSED with them. In case you missed the 90s, the old Milo bars were essentially Milo compacted into bar form and coated in chocolate. Total. Heaven. I have signed countless petitions and joined dozens of facebook groups to bring them back, but Nestle just don’t seem to be listening. Jerks!

Meanwhile, they brought out that crappy ‘Milo Energy Food’ bar - rice crispies and caramel with Milo that was, frankly, disappointing. Milo doesn’t belong with caramel and rice crispies! Bad. They discontinued it late last year.

Cut to me last week wandering into a convenience store to buy a bus ticket (My Bus 2 travel ten, in case you’re interested) and I spotted a Milo Bar on the shelf with a great big NEW shelf wobbler in front of it (although apparently it was new at the end of 2009 – still, got my attention!). I figured anything was better than the old Milo Energy poor-excuse-for-a-chocolate-bar and secretly hoped the new one was actually the old one. Oh, how wrong I was.

It’s a ‘milo choc brownie, smooth caramel & crunchy milo balls smothered in milk chocolate’. Have you ever had a chocolate protein bar? That’s what it tasted like. Don’t get me wrong, I like the odd chocolate protein bar, but the Milo bar has the taste and consistency of that sort of fake chocolate. And no actual powdered Milo in sight.

Nestle, please bring back the original Milo bar! I promise I will buy dozens of them! Sometimes Milo out of the tin just doesn’t satisfy me the way I know an original Milo bar would  (although it's still bloody satisfying).

Price: $3.06 for the twin pack from the convenience store in Pyrmont (I have seen them about $2.80 in the supermarket too)
From: wherever bad chocolate bars are sold
Why you might like to try it: If you like the taste of protein bars without the ‘health’ benefits.


7 comments: said...

I'm with you: bring back the Milo Bar! Surely between the two of us, we can make something happen?! I do have to confess, my growing ass is kinda grateful that they took it off the market.

Ahhh, to have just a bite of the ol' Milo Bar. In the meantime, I guess it's back to eating it straight outta the tin. SssshhHH!

Kimmi - said...

GO GIRL!!! I want the OLD OLD bar back soooo bad. I too joined endless online petitions and FBook groups AND I even wrote snail mail letters. It's like Nestle seriously don't care that we LOVED the original. Why change something that works soooo good.

Thank-you for writing this. You are a good person.

Unknown said...

When I was a kid, my Dad used to be a sales rep for Nestle. So we had an abundant supply of Milo and Milo bars... nom!! Must say I havent had one since though... *sad face!

Unknown said...

When I was a kid, my Dad used to be a sales rep for Nestle. So we had an abundant supply of Milo and Milo bars... nom!! Must say I havent had one since though... *sad face!

Jessica said...

One time my other half bought one of the old bars, bit into it and a huge cloud of Milo exploded in his face. I laughed for days.

Unknown said...

I am longing for Nestle to bring back the original Milo bars...many a childhood memory involves a trusty Milo bar....compounded Milo is the bomb!!!

Spencer said...

You can order Milo Bars online from Not sure if it is the 'original' Milo Bars as I grew up in England and never had one until I came to Australia a couple of years ago.

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