Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Delightfully Lush

Obviously the prospect of winning a Lush Christmas pack was appealing because a whooooole lot of you entered (many more than the 6 listed below). Sadly, I only had one pack and it is en-route to...

But rest assured I will be doing more great comps next year. It's just my way of saying thank you for being so awesome and stopping by. If you're sad you missed out on this one (I would be), then may I recommend popping over to Marlo Perry, Pink Diva or Primped, because they are all running comps for the same prize. Marlo Perry closes today so you'll get it before The Big Day, and PD and Primped both close in January, so it's a post-festive treat (kind of like how you stretch your birthday out for two weeks...)

On a side note...if the winner would like to gift the prize back to me, send me an email and I'll give you my address.

Just kidding! Maybe.


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