Sunday, November 22, 2009

She's be-cider herself with the new Strongbow!

I dunno about you, but I burn out pretty quickly from party season. I feel like I’m starting to fade already and there are still 6 weeks to go til we hit 2010. Do you ever think ‘I can’t possibly go to one more function and make small talk with Barry from accounts whilst gagging on house white’? Me too. I would much rather be on my balcony drinking cider.

I will admit I am fairly new to the cider market, after conversion via a good friend and a shouted schooner down the local. Not sure why I had never considered it before; probably because I have never been a fan of apple juice and I just assumed it would be like apple juice on crack – all sugary and harsh. To-ta-lly wrong. I now have a 6-pack of Strongbow Clear in the fridge for days like today (i.e. hot, minimal clothes, too lazy to do anything). Before you ask, yes I did pick the Strongbow Clear because it is 50% less sugar and 35% less carbs. All the finger food at parties and Maccas hangover breakfasts are playing havoc on my waistline.

Here’s the Stuff That I Bought handy checklist for how to drink cider properly:
  • It has to be ICE COLD. Chill your glass in the fridge. Throw in some extra ice cubes. Do whatever you need to do to keep it sub-zero.
  • Drink outside. Coldness mentioned in previous point juxtaposes well with Australian summer temperatures.
  • Best consumed in groups. Not sure why that is, but the more people who are around, the better it tastes.
  • The group needs to be naked. Oh wait, that’s an orgy. Wrong list!
How not to drink cider:
  • Through your nose. It burns.
Price: $14.99 for a 6-pack, $50.99 for a case
From: Your local bottle-o
Why you need it: To break the heat and the monotony

PS - I would like to take a moment to apologise for the appalling header. I just really wanted to use the word cider in there!

Picture credit: Fostersgroup

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