Friday, August 27, 2010

If your pores need minimising, you need to consult a Benefit Porefessional

Anything that minimises pores deserves a gold medal. Getting into those pores to make them look smaller is not particularly a nice job, kind of like cleaning up the Domain after Field Day, or collecting abandoned trolleys in the IKEA carpark on a Saturday. All a good honest days work for an honest day’s pay, but you can think of other things you would rather be doing.

Ahhh, but Benefit Porefessional does it so well. It has a hint of tint for totally seamless blending. Do you remember me banging on about Smashbox Primer? It’s a totally amazing cult product that I am in love with and would possibly go on a date with if it were a real life person. Benefit Porefessional is like his tanned cousin. The smashbox primer is clear, while the benefit cousin comes from up north – you can always tell the Queensland cousins in family photos at Christmas ‘cos they’re the ones who are a bit more tanned than everyone else.

Very similar texture, very similar feeling when it glides on (Smashbox feels a tad more wet), very similar magical work to make pores vanish. This also means you need to clean your skin the same way – use a precleanse (I love Dermalogica precleanse) and then a cleanser to make sure you get it all out! Think about it...anything that makes pores vanish, would be filling your pores right? Well duh, you need to get it back out again so it doesn’t clog them.

Price: $53
From: Benefit stores and Benefit counters (on sale from tomorrow, Aug 28th)
Why you need it: To even out your complexion and hide pores and scars. Make up always looks better on a perfect canvas.


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