Monday, August 30, 2010

Urban Outfitters haul post! Yesssss!

I get so excited by online shopping, especially when it’s from overseas stores. Whether it’s my own purchase or I’m living vicariously through someone else’s basket, there is a total thrill from hitting the submit button, then waiting for the parcel arrive. Then the rush of success when that box hits your desk and you piously open it to withdraw your beautiful clothes and accessories that have just come from across the ocean.

I got one of those parcels a couple of weeks ago. I had been putting off making my Urban Outfitters order for a while because it was all summer dresses, and ordering summer dresses in June just seemed like self-inflicted cruelty. But August is fine. It’s kind of like summer-lite in Sydney right now anyway. Right? Right?! (this is me justifying it to myself)

In no particular order, I bought: a sequin cardigan, bright green sleeveless dress, orange chiffon dress and some very rude cross stitch cards. I have worn the orange dress 5 times already (it’s a total keeper and looks rad with black tights), worn the sequin cardi twice and it’s slated for another outing this week, I have written one card and the green dress sits poised and ready for the warmer weather. I just can’t bring myself to wear a sleeveless dress when it’s still this cold.

My theory is by buying from Urban Outfitters I won’t run into too many people who have the same clothes as me (this is a huge problem when you shop at local hotspots like Sportsgirl or Myer). That said, I got in a lift this week wearing a blazer I bought from UO last year and the girl standing next to me had the same blazer in a slightly darker colour.

Price: (all in USD)
BDG Pleated Frock in green - $40, Pins & Needles Puff Sleeve Chiffon Dress in orange - $50, Silence & Noise sequin cardigan - $40, Go F*ck Yourself Subversive Cross Stitch Notecards - $5, Shipping $10
From: Urban Outfitters
Why you need to hit up UO: Fabulous, awesome clothes which are very affordable with the exchange rate right now.

Picture credit: all pics graciously stolen from



flickity_split said...

Oooh,I LOVE getting parcels from online shopping...!
Everything you got sounds great and I totally agree with you when you say that many people won't have what you have!
That is my #1 reason for online shopping from O/S... Enjoy!

Stella said...

The prices are so cheap ! Even in $USD

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