Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My hair is too Rootalicious for you baby

Have you ever found that miracle product that seemed to work so perfectly the first time you used it that you figured it must have been a fluke? “Nothing is this good”, you think, “must have been a lucky day. I’m sure it won’t erase my dark circles/slim my waist/turn water into wine like this next time”. But you do try it again next time and it does work again. And again. And then you start to believe that this miracle product is the stars aligning and bringing you a product that will change your life in such a revolutionary way that you will wonder how you ever lived without it.

Hold on to your banana-phones people...I have found my miracle product. Yes, it’s a big call, but I am totally 100% prepared to stand by this. It might not be your miracle product (they are unique to everyone, like belly buttons) but it has changed my life. Indulge me for a moment while I spout more hyperbole to illustrate my point.

To say I have fine, limp hair is an understatement. It’s a combination of good genes and never knowing how to control it (I’m guilty of being very liberal with product, which just makes it more limp). I tried O&M Rootalicious root lift mousse and it’s idiot-proof for heavy-handed applicators with fine hair (OMG! That’s me!). Rootalicious! Could there be a cooler name for a product? I give it a 9.5/10 for awesome name-ness. The only way it could have gotten a 10 is if it was called super-happy-fun-times-rootalicious, but that’s because I have a predilection for Japanese pop-culture.

So, awesome name, awesome bronze packaging AND it actually works. All true. Rootalicious adds volume to the roots by forming an invisible barrier around the roots and lifting them up, like little scaffolds supporting the foundations. You can also run it through the hair, like I do, to give your hair all over fullness. Pleasant side effect – it seems to stop my hair getting oily at the roots on the second day after a wash. Built in dry shampoo? You tell me.

I reckon you should give it a go. It might not change your life, but it will certainly give you full hair.

Price: $29.95
From: Selected salons, Adorebeauty
Why you need it: Full, fat hair that smells good (that would be the Kakadu Plum, Lilly Pilly and Quandong). PLUS you’ll feel good about using it because O&M products are Sulfate, Paraben, MIT, Proplene Glycol, Phthalates and Triclosan free. They are nasty so you totally don’t want them in your hair.

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