Thursday, April 1, 2010

I've got my eye on you

If I’m doing bold lips, then I need to do muted eyes, right? I found the perfect duo palette, which means only needing to carry one eyeshadow in my purse. Bad news – there is no brush in the palette. But I can deal with that.

It’s the Kuala Lumpur duo from the new Nars Spring 2010 collection (American spring, natch) and it is soft and sexy. My ‘everyday eye’ is gold/bronze/brown, so I feel like I’m in my comfort zone with this lovely wash of rose gold all over the lid. However, it’s not all browns – I’m doing the outer corners of the eyes with the boysenberry side. Talk about living on the edge.

I had considered wetting the shadows to give them a deeper, more striking colour, but a softer wash means I will look polished without being OTT. Agree? Nars shadows are a) really good quality and b) highly pigmented, so a light wash literally means a light wash and you still get colour.

ALSO I am putting a couple of false lashes on the outside corners. I have some KIT individual lashes and I bought the DUO adhesive from MAC, which is apparently the best one on the market, according to the Governing Body of Fake Eyelash Glue (or GBFEG for short). I have only used it once so far, so give me another couple of goes and I’ll keep you posted.

If you have any other suggestions, I’m always open. Unless it involves kittens and merry-go-rounds, and then I’m out because that has nothing to do with eyeshadow.

Price: $78
From: Mecca Cosmetica
Why you need it: For a neutral eye that isn’t your same old brown. Spice it up! Mix it around! (yeah, go from one neutral eye to another...such a rebel, Elise)

1 comment:

theloveofpink said...

Ack! This looks gorgeous on you. I am chomping at the bit to get my greasy mitts on the KL duo! I heart Nars. xx

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