Tuesday, November 9, 2010

On the matter of hair removal...

I had a conversation with the lovely chick from Braun a few weeks ago that went a little something like this...

Her: Did I tell you about the new Braun Silk Epil Xpressive 7681 Wet/Dry epilator?
Me: I’m still kind of in love with my current Braun Silk Epil Wet/Dry
Her: Did you want to try the new one out?
Me: Is there reaaally any difference between the old and the new one? Like, really?
Her: Yep, there is. It’s less painful, I promise! AND it picks up all the teeny-tiny hairs. Your legs will be smooth as a babies bottom.
Me: I dunno. I’m pretty sceptical.
Her: I’ll send it to you to try just to prove there is a difference!

After being a hardcore leg waxer for so long, I have been loving my epilator sick for the last year because it saves me time and money. That said, I got a little lazy towards the end of winter and things got a little, erm, shall we say, out of control? That first epilation after a break was a little uncomfortable.

Then I tried the new one. I hate to admit this because I thought it was just a gimmick to sell more epilators, but the new model actually does hurt less! I think it’s the different massage roller on the head. My legs are also definitely smoother than they have been since I used to shave, because it picks up all those annoying grain-of-sand sized hairs that epilators and waxing usually miss. If you’re a waxer I can’t recommend enough that you make the switch. If you’re a shaver, then you’re totally missing out. I epilate once a week (usually Saturday, for those playing along at home) and the hair grows back so slowly these days that it’s a quick and easy job.

Price: $208.95
From: Myer, David Jones and electrical stores
Why you need it: If you’re going to invest in an epilator, this is definitely the top of the range. Plus being able to epilate in the shower makes all the difference in the world.

As an aside, I’m not totally anti-razor. I am very much in love with my Venus Spa Breeze for under the charm-pits. It has a built in shave gel bar so you don’t need to overdo the shaving cream, and the handle is all ergonomic-y and stuff so you don’t drop it (and believe me, I am clumsy). I bought a green/blue/aloe gel one 2 weeks ago from Coles for 50% off (score!) or there is a new pink one out and the gel smells like white tea. Scrumptious! Best razor on the market by a country mile, in my opinion.

Price: $13.59
From: Supermarkets
Why you need it: Two words...hairy pits. ‘Nuff said.

These products were offered to me for review, along with spa goodies to make the experience more enjoyable.



Lily (Face Hair Removal Blog) said...

Wow, the Braun epilator is an expensive investment! But I guess it's worth it considering the time you save. Thanks for the review! :)

angelofparadox said...

aaah, i bought one of these last week. First time epilator and it wasn't as bad as my sister said that it would be! I managed to get $60 off at priceline combining the membership $50 off and a further $10 for being a loyal customer :)

I really like it, its not painful even when I haven't used the pre-epilation wipes and I've never waxed in my life. All in all, an awesome buy and it also comes with a shaver head XD

organic lipstick said...

I absolutely agree with you when you say this is better over waxing because it saves a lot of time and energy...I have tried Braun and it is very good a product.

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