Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Welcome back to my bathroom, Mr Perdis!

Do you have a brand that just doesn’t seem to agree with your skin, no matter what? Me too. Mine is Napoleon Perdis. I adore Napoleon and the way he pushes boundaries with the use of colour (I’m still referencing the Camilla Franks RAFW Avatar-inspired slap) but every time I use NP products I break out in a rash. Ergh.

Remember that PR/blogger panel I did two weeks ago? And remember the day before when I posted that a huge pimple had taken residence on my forehead? One of the girls who looks after Napoleon, who is just the sweetest girl in the world, read my post and took pity on me. She sent me an NP Set concealer pen to help hide Vesuvius. Honestly, I was feeling so frazzled and nervous at the time, had she been in front of me I may have cried!

I decided not to risk it on the night, just in case I had a reaction, but I figured that it was worth giving Mr Perdis another shot, and concealer might be different on my skin than blush or eyeshadow. The Fiance was going to be overseas for another 2 weeks, so if I broke out in a rash it was no drama, right? With much trepidation I swiped it under my eyes. Nothing. Well, it concealed. It hid my dark circles. I looked awake. But no rash. Same thing the next day. And the next.

I have been using it for two weeks now and I love it. It’s a twist pen with a sponge applicator, so I just twist out a small amount, swipe it straight on and pat it into place. Easy. I’m not sure if I’m ready to brave eyeshadows and blushes yet, but hopefully I can cross Napoleon off my ‘do not use’ list. Welcome back, good sir!

Price: $30
From: Target
Why you need it: To hide all your sins. Bonus: it contains Australian myrtle oil (anti-bacterial and anti-septic) so it will help heal your nasty pimples while also hiding them. Clever.

This product was a very gratefully received gift


1 comment:

MIss_sher said...

Ohhh I was kinda skeptical about the Set range. I was looking at the primer + bronzers but I didnt end up purchasing. I need a new concealer though.. I usually use Boing concealer from Benefit but is nearly gone. I might try this!

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